🍗 Adaptivity, Evil OKRs, Engineers Hate Meetings, Adhocracies, Problem Driven Development, Dashboards, Schedule Like a Slasher: TMW #412
From all of us at CTO Craft, have a great festive season!
🍍 Fake Deadlines, Managing Up, SLOs, Creating Joy, Holiday On-Call, Trunk-Based Development, Trauma: TMW #411
Early-bird Toronto tickets now available...
🍌 Team Dynamics, Red Beads, Risk, Chess, Protected Time, Hybrid Work, Code Yellows, Calendar Resets: TMW #410
How would you design the worst company culture?
🦁 DORA on AI, Ladder of Inference, The Details, Bad Days for Devs, Popular IDEs, Outputs vs Outcomes, Gratitude, Skeptoptimism: TMW #409
CTO Craft Con is coming to Toronto!
🐓 SLI vs KPI, Delivering Bad News, Brilliant Jerks, Sys Design Interviews, Example Mapping, Storytelling, Clear Thinking: TMW #408
Plus news about upcoming Circles groups for 2025...
🐡 Reducing Complexity, Delegating, Tiny Strategies, Headcount, DORA Benchmarks, Evolutionary Design, Impostor Syndrome: TMW #407
Plus... New Circles starting soon, conference news, and more
🐅 Cargo Culting, Being Strategic, Retention, Facilitation, Software Moves Forward, Luck Surface Area, Seasonal Overwhelm: TMW #406
Plus performance review survey results...
🦬 Over-measurement, Decision-making, Good Conflict, Healthy Teams, Security, LLM Fine-tuning, Receiving Feedback, Awkwardness: TMW #405
Lots of Mixers - is there one in your city?
🍹 Skip Levels, Manipulating Managers, Leadership OKRs, Transactive Memory, Staying Technical, Claude, Tiny Demons: TMW #404
Free London event on November 13th..
🐌 Decision-making Pitfalls, Lean Failure, Joyful Work, Team Conflict, Good Engineers, Architecture Proposals, Celebrating, Drama: TMW #403
Last chance for CfPs for London 2025!