8 min read

🤿 Untangling GenAI, Introverts, Diversity and Teamwork, Goal Setting, Team Memory, Aging Code: TMW #349

Hello, welcome to the week!

There are two fantastic in-person CTO Craft Bytes events happening this week: a panel in London in which we'll dig into what Generative AI actually means for us as technology leaders, and our first Mixer for CTOs in Edinburgh, Scotland. If you're in the neighbourhood for either, do drop in and say hello! Details are below.

We're now very close to selling out of Early-bird Tickets for CTO Craft Con in November - use the code Community-Nov-23 when registering here to unlock CTO Craft Member pricing, taking a further £300 off the price of tickets. See you there!

CTO Craft Con: Culture and the CTO | London 7-8 November
CTO Craft Con will bring together over 250 Chief Technology Officers and other senior technology leaders from the most exciting start-ups, scale-ups, unicorns, and big tech companies to elevate their engineering culture in London, 7-8 November 2023.

That's it, on with the links! Until next week...

Andy @ CTO Craft

Meet the CTO Craft Coach, Francis Lacoste | CTO Craft
Francis discusses working with a coach to navigate difficult work relationships, the coaching model, Presence-based Coaching, and meditation.

CTO Craft Bytes

CTO Craft Bytes: Untangling GenAI
This Bytes event is brought to you in partnership with QuantumBlack, AI by McKinsey and will be in person.
CTO Craft Bytes: Edinburgh Get Together
Join us for our first ever in-person CTO Craft Bytes in Edinburgh, Scotland!

CTO Craft Bytes - ICYMI

Cutting through the noise – Scaling Teams in a Candidate - Rich Market
Register now for Cutting through the noise – Scaling Teams in a Candidate - Rich Market on crowdcast, scheduled to go live on September 15, 2023, 12:30 PM GMT+1.

Reads of the Week

Introverted Leadership: Ways to Shine as an Introvert Leader
Not sure if introverted leadership can be successful? Can an introvert be a leader? Learn the ways to become a great manager as an introvert.
How Does Diversity Affect Teamwork? | David Burkus
In this article, we will explore the importance of psychological safety and shared understanding in diverse teams.

From our Sponsors

[From 101 Ways] Digital transformation: what’s in a name?

Names do matter and ‘digital transformation’ is one that shows little sign of going away. For many tech teams, this can be a problem. Calling something a transformation raises a particular set of expectations in senior management circles. It can also encourage an old school approach to budgeting, planning and delivery that could be detrimental to the project and its outcome. We think it’s time to retire digital transformation. What do you think?

Read our latest eBook where we explore the advantages of embracing a new mindset and provide a comprehensive 5-step plan to empower tech leaders in its implementation.

Read the eBook

Thanks as always to all the amazing sponsors helping CTO Craft bring you resources like this newsletter, our events, community and more:

AWS, Albany Partners, Code Climate, Google Cloud, Vention, Jellyfish, LinearB, 101 Ways, O’Reilly, Pentalog, Skiller Whale, Swarmia, Uplevel, YLD

Leadership, Strategy & Business

The Communicator’s Advantage - Nathan Broslawsky
Good communication is often hailed as a cornerstone of effective teamwork and organizational success. However, it’s more than just a buzzword; for skilled communicators, it’s a ticket to greater understanding and awareness within their organization. And, coupled with strategic thinking, this organiz…
The Corporate Rebels Handbook: Goal-Setting (and Celebrating…
Breadcrumbs list
Tips & Tools for New Managers | Management 3.0
What does it take to manage and lead a team? Tips and tools you need to thrive as a new manager:
How to Not Completely Suck At Planning
Or how to suck a little less.

Culture, People & Teams

Are Remote Workers and Their Organizations Drifting Apart?
U.S. employee engagement is rebounding -- but remote workers are feeling less connected to their company’s mission and purpose than ever before.
Team memory, organisational sharing and serendipity in distributed workplaces - Emily Webber
Reading Time: 7 minutes How do we know what’s going on when we’re working in remote or hybrid organisations? How do we get the right information to the right people, find what we need and bump into ideas that can lead to something else? Distributed workplaces make it hard, but not impossible. This p…
13 Characteristics To Create A Sustainable, High-Performance Culture
Best practices to create a sustainable high-performance culture that ensures organizational alignment and maximizes productivity.
How Interview Questions Reveal the True Organizational Assumptions & Culture, Part 5 - Johanna Rothman, Management Consultant
I started this series with many specific concerns about a particular interview question: “The product owner and dev team cannot decide on a sprint goal, even after hours of discussion. They (the team) feel that the tasks for the sprint are too varied to manage to a single sprint goal. What should th…

Technology, Operations & Delivery

Aging Code
Aging your code isn’t about resisting progress; it’s about ensuring that when progress happens, it’s built on a rock-solid foundation.
Death by a thousand microservices
The software industry is learning once again that complexity kills
An Agile focus on value
If you implement Scrum ceremonies, you are technically doing Scrum, but are you embracing an Agile philosophy? Is your team engaged in productive work valued by the stakeholders?
Five signs that product and engineering friction is slowing your company’s growth
A solid working partnership between product and engineering is critical to a scaleup’s success by both improving the quality of the product and its time to market. And yet it’s common to find that in growing scaleups, there can be a divide between these two groups. Conflicting mindsets and lack of c…

Stress, Wellbeing & Growth

Diverse teams and psychological safety
There�s been a surge of interest recently about the importance of psychological safety, and rightfully so. But like many good things, it’s better not to have too much of it.
Stop saying “fail”
Language shapes our perception of setbacks. Use words other than “failure” to describe situations and to suggest the next step.
How to Support New Workers’ Mental Health
We usually think of new entrants to the workforce as young people and recent graduates, but the cohort can also include existing workers entering new types of employment, such as frontline workers transitioning to office work, gig workers moving to salaried roles, or people moving from unpaid caregi…
My Experience with Burnout & Fatigue
I vividly remember the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, a time when I was launching my new business venture. I’d meticulously…

That’s it!

If you’d like to be considered for the free CTO Craft Community, fill in your details here, and we’ll be in touch!


Please do remember to share this link if you know of anyone who’d like to receive TMW:


Have an amazing week!
