8 min read

🚴‍♂️ Goals vs Plans, Prioritising Assumptions, Cost of Work, Empathy, Crowdstrike Lessons, Error Backlogs, Healing from Burnout: TMW #394

Have you experienced burnout as an engineering leader?

Hello again, it's Monday!

It's been amazing chatting to all the new applicants for our very popular Mentoring Circles, and one topic which comes up again and again is burnout. The state of having burned through all your personal resources while shouldering huge amounts of pressure and stress is all too common in the engineering leadership world, especially in the first few senior-level roles in your career.

Burnout can happen when you continue absorbing more and more work-related stress without ensuring you have the right balance in place, but it can also come about from loneliness, lack of support, poor delegation skills and a general understanding of what being a senior leader actually requires of you - and what it doesn't. It's no joke - burning out completely can mean having to take lengthy career breaks, worsening relationships with your loved ones, as well as real physical issues like headaches, muscular and skeletal problems, and many more.

We'd like to know about you, dear reader, and your experience with burnout - if you have any! Here's a very simple poll:

If you are struggling with work-related stress and pressure, always feel free to reach out to me or the CTO Craft team. We've helped hundreds of leaders who are struggling with these issues, and we'd love to support you if you need help. We're right here.

That's it, let's look at some links... Until next week!

Andy @ CTO Craft

CTO Craft: Circles Application
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CTO Craft Events

CTO Craft Bytes: Identifying and Developing Future Engineering Leaders
Join us for a 30 minute virtual Byte to discuss how the best technology leaders identify and nurture future leaders within their teams.
CTO Craft Con: Berlin | 24th - 25th September 2024
CTO Craft Con will bring together Chief Technology Officers and other senior technology leaders from the most exciting start-ups, scale-ups, unicorns, and big tech companies to elevate their engineering culture.

Check out all of our upcoming Mixer events, including events in Warsaw and Copenhagen this month - is there one happening in your city soon?

Reads of the Week

How We Can Stop Confusing Long Term Goals with Short Term Plans - Johanna Rothman
Several of my clients want to plan the product roadmap and then “work to the plan.” They think the roadmap is the long-term goal. But roadmaps aren’t goals. Instead, they are tactics for achieving a long-term goal. That means we need long-term goals based on both the corporate strategy and each product’s strategy. Those are two […]

About our Sponsors

A huge thanks to all our sponsors and partners, who make Tech Manager Weekly and the CTO Craft community possible:

AWS, Albany Partners, Code Climate, Coherence, Damilah, DoIT, Google Cloud, Jellyfish, Plandek, Skiller Whale, Softwire, Sema, Uplevel, Vention, YLD

If you're interested in sponsoring TMW or any of our events, drop us a line at partners@ctocraft.com.

Leadership, Strategy & Business

Stop “Manage by Exception” - Yaniv Preiss
What is Manage by Exception? Why you should stop it?
Assumption Prioritization Canvas: How to Identify And Test The Right Assumptions
You can’t test everything. And you can’t test what you’re unaware of.
Improving real-time enterprise visibility into the cost of work - Work Life by Atlassian
Atlassian Platinum Solutions partner Praecipio share how they help customers understand the real-time cost of work.
My Next Word to Retire is ‘Prioritization’
I’ve been studiously avoiding the term MVP (not the concept, but the acronym) since at least 2020, since it causes endless confusion. It originally identified the leanest-possible learning experiments. Then it morphed into “revenue products we can sell for money sooner.” Then into shorthand for “just get v1.0

Culture, People & Teams

How to build a high-performance culture without culling the herd
The annual layoff cycle perpetuates only one thing - mediocrity. Here are 3 ways to break that cycle and build better cultures.
Empathy is a superpower in the engineering industry
I value this skill a LOT more than pure technical skills in my teams!
11 Interview Mistakes that Cost You Great Candidates
Don’t make these common interview mistakes if you want to hire the best candidates. An interview is your first impression. Make it a good one!
Kickstart Your New Hire’s Success by Connecting them to the Right People
As a manager, onboarding a new hire isn’t just about providing manuals and login information, it’s about setting the employee up to operate autonomously in their role and feel comfortable within the organization. To do this, leaders need to emphasize the importance of developing strategic relationships with colleagues across the company who can share critical knowledge, and help contextualize and speed up their learning. There are three keys ways managers can help employees engage in internal networking, and thus boost their productivity, sense of belonging, engagement, and retention: 1) Create a knowledge map that shows who knows what within the company; 2) Create a prioritized networking list of people they should meet and why; and 3) Initiate relationship building to facilitate connections for your new employee.

Technology, Operations & Delivery

Lessons from CrowdStrike: Striking the right balance to reduce risk and maximize resilience
After CrowdStrike, how can organizations strike the right balance to managing risk?
Putting a meaningful dent in your error backlog
We often don’t realize how noisy the errors have gotten until things are already well out of hand. After all, we’ve got shit to do. Deadlines to hit. By the time we decide to get seriou…
How Scrum Masters (and Managers) Go Astray By Committing to Plans
I’ve found only one sane thing to commit to in product.
Destroy on Friday: The Big Day 🧨 A Chaos Engineering Experiment - Part 2
In part two of Lex’s blog series, we find out: How did our chaos engineering test go? Did our customers experience downtime or latency?

Stress, Wellbeing & Growth

How Long Does it Take to Heal From Work Burnout?
Burnout isn’t new and burnout recovery isn’t easy. According to new research from Future Forum, workplace stress has resulted in an…
Derisking 101: How to identify and reduce risk in your daily work
Train yourself to sense what could go wrong--while you can still shape the outcome. Ask yourself these two simple questions.
How GitHub supports neurodiverse employees (and how your company can, too)
Teams with neurodivergent employees can be up to 30 percent more productive. Discover tips on how best to support them in your workplace.
On Belonging and Boundaries: Time-Outs, Team Meetings, and Emotional Maturity
We all want more support, compassion, and belonging at work. This requires expressing and respecting emotions. But it can backfire if one…

That’s it!

If you’d like to be considered for the free CTO Craft Community, fill in your details here, and we’ll be in touch!


Please do remember to share this link if you know of anyone who’d like to receive TMW:


Have an amazing week!
