🧟‍♂️ Zombie Processes, Bad Decisions, Slow OKRs, Behavioural Interviews, Goldilocks Zone, Sleep vs Creativity: TMW #397
Hello, hello, hello! It's Monday, welcome to the week
Last week we asked readers about the level of autonomy they have around the technology budget and financial decision making - the picture is a fairly positive one, with almost 60% of respondents reporting that they have either complete or significant control:

If you're one of those that do have significant or complete control over the budget, I'd love to know:
1. What processes and tools do you use for managing the budget and resource plan in your team?
2. What advice would you give a new leader on how to manage budget within their team?
3. What approaches have you found successful in asking for and negotiating the size of your budget?
4. Have you always had significant control, or did you have to argue for it? What was your approach?
Answers on a postcard please! (Or just reply to this email) We'll be asking the Slack community this week as well, so watch out next week for some insights.
Don't forget: we're now in the final couple of weeks before our first non-UK CTO Craft Con event in Berlin, and there are still a few tickets still available. If you'd like to join us, meet other members and subscribers, see some fantastic talks and enjoy Germany's capital city, check out the link in the Events section below.
That's it, on with the links! See you next Monday
Andy @ CTO Craft
Reads of the Week

Leadership, Strategy & Business

Culture, People & Teams

CTO Craft Events

Check out all of our upcoming Mixer events, including events in Manchester and Gdansk in the coming weeks - is there one happening in your city soon?
Technology, Operations & Delivery

Stress, Wellbeing & Growth

From our Sponsors
Identifying & Developing Future Engineering Leaders
Albany Growth finds talent for product and engineering teams.
Here we share takeaways from the recent Bytes with Albany’s Niruban Retnanandam and Planday CTO Sasha Bilton.
A huge thanks to all our sponsors and partners, who make Tech Manager Weekly and the CTO Craft community possible:
AWS, Albany Partners, Code Climate, Coherence, Damilah, DoIT, Google Cloud, Jellyfish, Plandek, Skiller Whale, Softwire, Sema, Uplevel, Vention, YLD
If you're interested in sponsoring TMW or any of our events, drop us a line at partners@ctocraft.com.
That’s it!
If you’d like to be considered for the free CTO Craft Community, fill in your details here, and we’ll be in touch!
Please do remember to share this link if you know of anyone who’d like to receive TMW:
Have an amazing week!