🕷 Value of 1:1s, Remote Morale, Component Teams, Onboarding as a Leader, Time Confetti: TMW #187
Hello again!
Plans for CTO Craft Con: The People One in December are coming along nicely: we've added some more amazing speakers, including Dr Rebecca Parsons of Thoughtworks, Ezechi Britton of ImpactX Capital, Rija Javed of MarketFinance, Marta Jasinska of Bloom & Wild and Jennifer D Carlston of Pluralsight, with more to be announced this week.
We'll be announcing the agenda over the next few days! If you haven't grabbed your ticket yet, remember to use the code togetherORDERLYgold for a £15 discount on the standard £95 price. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Andy @ CTO Craft

CTO Craft Con: The People One - a Conference for CTOs
Join our Virtual Conference on People, Teams and Culture, with speakers from GitHub, Headspace, CircleCI, Doist and more, Dec 1 - 3 - CTO Craft Con: The People One
From our Partners

AWS and DevOps expertise on hand - from The Scale Factory
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Haskell eXchange 2020: 4th - 5th Nov - from Skills Matter
For 2020 the world’s most vibrant Haskell gathering has gone virtual. Discover the latest developments in Haskell across 2 days of online expert-led talks from Simon Peyton Jones, Veronika Romashkina, Andrzej Rybcza, Facundo Domínguez, Marcin Rzeźnicki, Arnaud Spiwack and many more
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Culture & People

The Quantified Value of 1:1 Meetings and How to Make the Most of Them
Are you new to 1:1 meetings? Or are you already a fan and advocate? Whether you’re new to 1:1 meetings, or are looking to make a case for others to have one on ones, this is the post for you.

A Simple Diagram to Determine, “Should This Be a Meeting?”
Let’s be frank: this may be an intense week. To the extent possible, create space for your employees: that is, give them the time they need to take care of themselves and process the outcome of the election by reducing their workload.

How to build team morale remotely
Now, more than ever, the question, “How to build team morale remotely?” is one you may be asking yourself. From your team’s body language on Zoom calls, you can just tell. Folks look work thin. Energy levels are depleted. And if you let yourself admit it, you feel depleted as well.

Why Are Component Teams Still So Popular?
Perry Reid, a senior coach and trainer, who worked with several others from Industrial Logic to help a telecommunications client, recently told the following story: Even the simplest feature would take this company 6 months or longer to deliver.

Leadership & Self-management

Onboarding to a new team as an engineering leader
Editor’s Note: This is a guest post from Jean Hsu of Range. I recently joined Range as their new VP of Engineering. Over the last few weeks, I’ve ended many days full of meetings feeling energized — grateful to work with this incredible group of humans.
25% / 50% / 25% - The basic boss formula
When I got my first ever management gig, I overloaded on anything I could find around Agile. Looking back now, this wasn’t because I wanted to understand the difference between Scrum and Kanban but likely because it was the first thing that popped into Google when I started to do my research on how to run effective teams.

Time Confetti and the Broken Promise of Leisure
It’s true: we have more time for leisure than we did fifty years ago. But leisure has never been less relaxing, mostly because of the disintermediating effects of our screens. Technology saves us time, but it also takes it away. This is known as the autonomy paradox.

The Prominent Tech Team Leadership Styles of Middle Earth.
So as a hobby project of mine I’m 25k lines into writing a novel. It is based on a future dystopian society on Venus. Who would have guessed it? Someone in tech writing about science fiction. I’m not an avid reader.

Agile, Engineering & Product

Investing in Agility
One of the recurring themes in this book is that, in order to be Agile, your organization has to buy in to the underlying Agile philosophy. Not just spending money—that’s comparatively easy—but making real, meaningful changes to organizational structures, systems, and behaviors.

Spotify’s New Experimentation Platform (Part 1)
At Spotify we try to be as scientific as possible about how we build our products. Teams generate hypotheses that we test by running experiments — normally in the form of an A/B test — to learn what works and what doesn’t. The learnings give us insights and fuel new product ideas.
From our Partners

Git data + Jira metrics = a Project Delivery tool built exclusively for dev leaders.
Get the most out of your next iteration with LinearB Free

Thank you to Our Partners!

That’s it!
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Have an amazing week!